德国自然科学家、地理学家亚历山大·冯·洪堡(Alexander Von Humboldt,1769-1859)是19世纪上半叶最后一位百科全书式人物。他青少年时代好奇博学,志趣广博,具有良好的科学素养。三十岁就对南美洲进行了历时五年的系统地科学考察,直到六十高龄,还应俄国政府邀请赴乌拉尔和西伯利亚进行考察。他在晚年的科学著作《宇宙》一书汇集了自己一生的研究成果,是他半个多世纪辛勤劳动的结晶。这一划时代的著作,继承了古代希腊和文艺
Alexander Von Humboldt (1769-1859), the German naturalist and geographer, was the last encyclopedic character of the first half of the 19th century. He was a curious boyhood adolescent, broad-based, with good scientific literacy. At the age of 30, he conducted a systematic scientific study in South America for five years. Until the age of 60, he was invited by the Russian government to visit Ural and Siberia. His later book, “Universe,” a scientific book, brings together the fruits of his life and is the result of his hard work of more than half a century. This epoch-breaking work, inherited from ancient Greece and literature and art