宫外孕为常见的产科急腹症,但宫内外同时妊娠的病例罕见,现将我院一例报告如下; 患者,女,28岁,以停经51日,不规则阴道流血10日,下腹坠痛4小时而入院。查体T36.8℃,P112次/分,BP9.3/5.5kPa,重度贫血貌,心肺无异常,腹稍隆起,做内查可见少量暗红色血液、尿妊娠试验为阳性,出凝血时间正常,血型AB,Hb6g%,擬诊宫外孕失血性休克。立即采取输血输液等抗休克措施,同时在局麻下行患侧输卵管切除术。术中见右侧输卵管峡部妊娠破裂,见膨大的峡部有绒毛组织,切后可见到孕7周的胎囊及胎芽,腹腔内
Ectopic pregnancy is a common obstetric acute abdomen, but the case of intrauterine and abortion at the same time a rare case, now a case report of our hospital as follows; patients, female, 28 years old, to menopause 51, irregular vaginal bleeding 10 days, lower abdomen pain 4 hours And admission. Examination T36.8 ℃, P112 beats / min, BP9.3 / 5.5kPa, severe anemia appearance, no abnormal heart and lungs, abdominal slightly elevated, do a small amount of inspection can be seen within the dark red blood, urine pregnancy test was positive, the normal clotting time , Blood group AB, Hb6g%, to be diagnosed with ectopic pregnancy hemorrhagic shock. Immediately take blood transfusions and other anti-shock measures, at the same time in the local anesthesia ipsilateral tubal resection. Intraoperative see the right oviduct isthmus rupture of pregnancy, see the isthmus has enlarged villous tissue, after the pregnancy can be seen 7 weeks of fetal sac and fetal callus, intraperitoneal