帕金森病(PD)或帕金森综合征(PS)均多见于中老年人,随着近几年对该病的深入研究,许多学者发现PD患者伴有不同程度的基底神经节区局部脑血流灌注障碍。为此,我们在常规应用抗PD药物的基础上,加用蛇毒酶药物治疗后发现这些药物确实有助于改善临床症状,减少多巴制剂的用量,现将我们治疗观察的结果给予报道。 临床资料 1.一般资料 共收集资料完整的住院和门诊病人82例,男55例,女27例,年龄60—81岁,平均67.8±8岁。病程:≤3年者47例,>3年者35例。临床诊断参照1985年全国锥体外系疾病会议制定的标准,按此标准,原发性帕金森病(IPD)27例(32.9%),帕金森综合征55例(67.1%),后者均系脑血管
Parkinson’s disease (PD) or Parkinson’s disease (PS) are more common in the elderly, with the in-depth study of the disease in recent years, many scholars found that PD patients with varying degrees of basal ganglia regional cerebral blood Flow perfusion disorders. To this end, we routinely use anti-PD drugs, based on the addition of snake venom enzyme therapy and found that these drugs really help to improve clinical symptoms and reduce the dosage of dopa preparations, we now report the results of treatment reported. Clinical data 1. General information A total of 82 hospitalized and outpatient patients were collected, including 55 males and 27 females, aged 60-81 years, with an average of 67.8 ± 8 years. Duration: ≤ 3 years in 47 cases,> 3 years in 35 cases. According to the standard set by the National Conference on Extrapyramidal Diseases in 1985, 27 cases (32.9%) had primary Parkinson’s disease (IPD) and 55 cases (67.1%) had Parkinson’s disease, the latter being Cerebrovascular