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一汽轿车董事长的任期越来越短6月28日,一汽轿车股份有限公司在吉林长春召开2016年度股东大会,董事会选举时年50岁的王国强接替秦焕明担任第七届董事会董事长。股东大会当天,刚刚辞去董事长席位的秦焕明致歉:在其履职期间,一汽轿车销售业绩不佳,给集团和公司带来了负面影响,对此表示自责。 On June 28, FAW Car Co., Ltd. held its 2016 annual general meeting in Changchun, Jilin Province. At the election of the board of directors, Wang Guoqiang, 50, succeeded Qin Huanming as the chairman of the seventh board of directors. On the day of the shareholders’ meeting, Qin Huanming, who just resigned as chairman, apologized: During his performance of his duties, the poor sales performance of FAW Car made a negative impact on the Group and the company and expressed his remorse.
硬币一般为金属币,从贵金属到普通金属铜、铁、铝以至较为廉价的锡、锌、锑,都可以铸成硬币。但在特殊条件下,却产生了非金属币——陶瓷币。  陶币是一种质地较差、制作工艺简单、流通寿命较短的钱币。陶瓷币分为两种,一种是用于陪葬的陶瓷币。在1959年上海嘉定县战国墓中出土的陶瓷中,就有战国时流通的古代陶瓷币——郢爱。这种陶质郢爱和以后发现的开元通宝等陶质钱币,都是不能流通的货币,而是陪葬品。  一种是用于