病史报告住院医师 :患者 ,女性 ,2 9岁 ,体重 55kg。1998年 10月患者因宫外孕于当地医院用 5-氟尿嘧啶 (5- Fu) 1.0每日一次静滴 ,7d后患者开始出现骨髓抑制和胃肠道反应及全身反应 ,用药 10 d后上述症状加重 ,表现为恶心、呕吐、腹泻水样便 ,后伴粘液脓血便、高热、口腔溃疡、
Medical history Resident: Patient, female, 29 years old, weighing 55kg. October 1998 patients with ectopic pregnancy in the local hospital with 5-fluorouracil (5-Fu) 1.0 intravenous infusion once a day, 7 days after the patient began to appear bone marrow suppression and gastrointestinal reactions and systemic reactions, 10 days after treatment of the above symptoms, Manifested as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea watery stool, with mucus pus and blood, high fever, mouth ulcers,