法国作曲家拉威尔·莫里斯(Ravel Maurice,1875—1937年),是法国近代史上最杰出的作曲家之一。拉威尔6岁到巴黎,7岁开始学习钢琴,14岁进入巴黎音乐学院,在那里学习了15年。先后学习过钢琴、和声、对位和作曲。青年时代的拉威尔就已是有一种追求标新立异的创作构思和不同一般的
The French composer Ravel Maurice (1875-1937) is one of the most prominent composers in French modern history. Ravel 6 years old to Paris, 7 years old to learn the piano, 14 years old to enter the Paris Conservatory of Music, where studied for 15 years. He has studied piano, vocals, registration and composition. Ravel youth has been there is a pursuit of unconventional creative ideas and different general