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今年38岁的山东泉林纸业公司总裁李洪法给记者的第一印象是年轻,可他自1983年山东轻工学院造纸专业毕业后分配到原高唐造纸厂已整整干了18个年头,1984年被任命为分管生产技术的副厂长,当时他就提出企业要发展,必须先治污,十几年来该公司先后投资8000多万元用于污水处理,使13万吨的生产线全部达标。李洪法善于抢抓机遇,他在扩大规模、科技创新方面,先后上马了3800纸机和多层复合软包装,这两个项目的投资、技术规模以及所产生的效益使企业走在全国同行业前列。在管理方面,李洪法实施了五大管理体系:ISO9002质量保证体系;人才评价体系;与国际接轨的销售网络体系;与国际接轨的财务管理体系;科学的奖惩激励机制。听李洪法急缓有序的谈吐,看他气定神闲的举止,无不透出一个成功企业家的大度和风范。李洪法说,我国已经加入了WTO,狼来了,如何保证在国际市场竞争中不被吃掉,认清形势,摆正位置,开拓创新,尤其以人为本的经营管理是我们最重要的课题。 Mr. Li Hongfa, the 38-year-old president of Shandong Quanlin Paper Co., Ltd., gave a first impression to reporters that he was young. However, he had been assigned to the original Gaotang paper mill since he graduated from papermaking at the Shandong Light Industry College in 1983 and has been working for 18 years. 1984 He was appointed as the deputy manager of production technology. At that time, he proposed that the company must develop pollution. In the past ten years, the company has invested more than 80 million yuan in sewage treatment, and all of the 130,000 tons of production lines have met the standards. Li Hongfa was adept at seizing the opportunity. In terms of expanding scale and technological innovation, he successively launched 3,800 paper machines and multi-layer composite flexible packaging. The investment, technology scale, and benefits of these two projects have enabled the company to lead the industry in the same industry. In terms of management, Li Hongfa has implemented five major management systems: ISO9002 quality assurance system; talent evaluation system; sales network system in line with international standards; financial management system in line with international standards; Listening to Li Hongfa’s slow and orderly conversation and watching him behave in a calm manner all show the generosity and style of a successful entrepreneur. Li Hongfa said that China has joined the WTO and the wolf has come. How to ensure that it will not be eaten in the international market competition, recognize the situation, position, develop and innovate, and especially people-oriented management is our most important topic.
2002年1~10月,全国铁合金产量389.82万t,与去年同期相比增长4.56%,出口105.5万t,增长4.2%,出口增幅较大的是高碳锰铁、硅锰、钛铁,分别增长10.9%、27.5%和26.7%。不少品种为负增长。2002年,铁合金进口猛增,1~10月 From January to Octobe
国家电力公司顾问何和中国水力发电工程学会秘书长邴凤山在《高技术发展报告》中预计 ,2 0 5 0年中国将成为水电第一大国。中国未来的水电建设将分两步走 :第一步 :2 0 0 1
经纬集团属下经纬纺织有限公司为港商独资大型印染企业 ,专业从事锦纶、纯棉、混纺针织面料的印花、染色、后整理加工以及纺织品经营业务。因事业拓展需要 ,诚邀下列英才加盟
最近 ,山东莱阳绢纺有限公司在全体员工中组织开展了全员质量承诺签名活动 ,向国内外客户郑重承诺 :我们的产品就是人品。随着我国加入WTO ,国内越来越多的企业将直接面对日益激