
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhut2009
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盆景表自然之景,寓生活之情,要求“虽由人作,宛若天成”。如果作者能够正确认识近景、中景和远景在盆景中的辩证关系,在创作中的透视关系上就会较少出现有悖常理的现象。一、近、中、远景包含了中国盆景的全部类别,中国盆景种类颇多,但统观起来都脱离不开近景、中景和远景的范畴。我们不妨将树木竹草盆景视为近景,其主体景物异常清晰,而背景则全部虚化。丛林和水旱盆景,我们不妨将其视为中景,它大多表现的是森林一角、山溪一隅或河湖之畔。如果说近景表现得较为抽象的话,那么丛林、水旱盆景对自然景色的表现就比较具体。山水盆景当属远景,它表现的是大江大河崇山峻岭的壮阔之景,它用艺术的实代替自然的实,比起丛林水旱盆景就更具体、更逼真。从近景到远景,表现的距离感往往从几米、几十米至千米、万米,甚至更远,这就要求作者在十厘米、百厘米的盆中,灵活运用“丈山、尺树、寸马、分人”的比例来处理好近、中、远景中 Bonsai table natural scenery, living in love, “” Although made by people, just like heaven “. If the author can correctly understand the dialectical relationship between close-range, middle-level and long-term perspective in the bonsai, there will be less perverse phenomena in the perspective of the perspective of creation. First, the near, medium and long-term perspectives include all categories of Chinese bonsai, Chinese bonsai quite a wide range, but the concept of the whole are out of the range of not close, medium and long-range perspective. We may wish to tree bonsai bamboo grass as close range, the main subject of abnormal clarity, while the background is all blurred. Jungle and Drought bonsai, we may wish to consider it as a medium-sized King, it mostly shows the corner of a forest, a corner of a mountain stream or banks of rivers and lakes. If the close-range performance is more abstract, then jungle, water and drought bonsai on the performance of the natural scenery is more specific. Landscape bonsai is a long-term perspective, which shows the magnificent view of the great rivers and mountains, it uses the reality of art to replace the reality of nature, compared to jungle drought bonsai more concrete and more realistic. From near view to distant view, the sense of distance is often from a few meters, tens of meters to kilometers, even tens of meters or even more. This requires that the author flexibly use ”Zhangshan, Inch horse, sub-people "to handle the ratio of near, medium and long-term