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曾经,我们对饮于清辉之下,赏明月,共话婵娟。而如今,小学生都知道月球表面凹凸不平,是一颗死寂的星球。那么,当你再执起酒杯时,是否还有“但愿人长久”的忧思?愈来愈近的距离,让充满诗意的文明不再具有美感。科技带来便利、知识的同时,也将我们仅剩的一点点意象剥夺了。在对美好事物进行追求时,我们是不是更应存一份谨慎之心,与美好的事物保持一段距离,让美好的 Once, we drink in under the Qing Hui, enjoy the moon, a total of Chan Chan Juan. Today, pupils know that the moon’s surface is rugged, a dead planet. So, when you pick up the glass, are there any worries about “longing for people”? The closer the distance, the poetic civilization no longer has beauty. While technology brings convenience and knowledge, it also deprives us of the least bit of our image. In the pursuit of good things, we should not be kept for a more cautious, with beautiful things to maintain a certain distance, so beautiful
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有一种音乐能让人感动, 那是因为它是用生命的琴弦在弹奏; 有一种歌声能让人生情, 那是因为它是用心灵在吟唱。莫日根布赫,一个游走于草原与都市的音乐牧人,一个用心写歌用情歌唱、被称为草原情歌王子的蒙古族青年原创歌手。  熟悉莫日根布赫的人都管他叫“老莫”,最近他推出的一张以“情”感人的原创歌曲唱片《梦回故乡》,整张唱片中没有太多华丽的音符和浮躁的情绪,虽然他也生活在浮躁与喧嚣的都市里,也整日为一日三