通过室内试验研究了不同湿度对二点委夜蛾卵、幼虫、蛹及成虫生长发育及繁殖的影响。结果显示,随着相对湿度的增加,卵孵化时间缩短,孵化率提高。在相对湿度10%时,孵化率约60%,当相对湿度为20%以上时,孵化率均在80%以上,且当湿度低于40%时,孵化出的幼虫弱小。不同龄期幼虫耐水淹能力显示,随水淹时间延长,各龄期幼虫存活率均随之下降;3 h内,高龄幼虫存活率明显高于低龄幼虫;当水淹时间超过4 h,各龄幼虫均有部分个体可以存活,幼虫的耐受极限是7 h。此外,在饥饿状态下,1、2龄幼虫在试验各湿度条件下的耐受力最差,3龄后逐渐增强;极端低湿(10%)、高湿(100%)对各龄期幼虫均有不利影响。其中,1龄幼虫对低湿环境的适应性最差,大龄幼虫在高湿时容易感染病菌导致不能化蛹。湿度对蛹影响相对较小,在相对湿度为10%时,羽化率77%左右;当相对湿度在20%以上时,羽化率均85%以上。对于成虫,在无营养供给时,相对湿度低于20%时,成虫不能完成交配和产卵;当相对湿度为40%时,产卵量较低;湿度超过60%后,成虫寿命显著增长,产卵量也显著增加。在有水分和营养供给时,成虫更具有忍耐干燥环境的能力,营养的补充也使产卵量大大增加。
The effects of different humidity on the growth, development and reproduction of eggs, larvae, pupae and adults of the second instar larvae were studied through laboratory experiments. The results showed that with the increase of relative humidity, the egg hatching time was shortened and the hatching rate was increased. The hatching rate was about 60% when the relative humidity was 10%, the hatching rate was above 80% when the relative humidity was above 20%, and the hatching larvae were weak when the humidity was less than 40%. The waterlogging resistance of larvae at different instars showed that the survival rate of larvae decreased with the prolonging of flooding time, and the survival rate of larvae of young larvae was significantly higher than that of lower larvae within 3 h. When the flooding time exceeded 4 h, Some individuals are larval survival, larvae tolerance limit is 7 h. In addition, in the starvation state, the first and second instar larvae had the weakest tolerance to each humidity condition, and gradually increased after the third instar. The larvae of all larvae were extremely low (10%) and high (100% Have a negative impact. Among them, the first-instar larvae have the poorest adaptability to low-humidity environment, and the older larvae are susceptible to the bacteria when they are wet and can not pupate. The relative humidity is 10%, the emergence rate is about 77%. When the relative humidity is above 20%, the emergence rate is more than 85%. Adult adults can not mate and spawn when the relative humidity is less than 20% when there is no nutrient supply. When the relative humidity is 40%, the fecundity is low; when the humidity is higher than 60%, the adult longevity increases significantly, Fecundity also increased significantly. When water and nutrients are supplied, adults are more able to tolerate the dry environment and nutritional supplements also greatly increase the number of eggs laid.