Influence of the C-S-H Amount on [Cl~-]/[OH~-]Ratio of Simulated Concrete SPS and the Corrosion Susc

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zlbqnsd
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Two kinds of simulated concrete pore solutions(SPSs) were treated with different amounts of synthetic calcium silicate hydrate(C-S-H). The variation of the [Cl~-]/[OH~-] ratio in SPS was measured and the corrosion susceptibility of carbon steel in the SPS was investigated with potentiodynamic polarization, EIS and weight lose tests. The experimental results showed that for the SPS at p H 12.5, as the amount of C-S-H increases, the [Cl~-]/[OH~-] ratio increases thereby causing an increase in the corrosion susceptibility of the steel. While for the SPS at p H 9.7, with increasing C-S-H amount, the drop amplitudes of both [Cl~-]/[OH~-] ratio and steel corrosion rate first decrease and then increase, and a 3% C-S-H addition shows the best inhibition effect. XPS results demonstrate that after C-S-H treating in p H 12.5 SPS the [Fe~(3+)]/[Fe~(2+)] ratio in the film on steel surface is reduced while in p H 9.7 SPS the [Fe~(3+)]/[Fe~(2+)] ratio is increased. The different effects of the C-S-H amount on the two SPSs and the steel corrosion behavior result from the influences of C-S-H on the SPS p H, which is related to the composition of the SPS. Two variations of simulated concrete pore solutions (SPSs) were treated with different amounts of synthetic calcium silicate hydrate (CSH). The variation of the [Cl ~ -] / [OH ~ -] ratio in SPS was measured and the corrosion susceptibility of carbon The experimental results showed for for SPS at p H 12.5, as the amount of CSH increases, the [Cl ~ -] / [OH ~ -] increase ratio thereby causing an increase in the corrosion susceptibility of the steel. While for the SPS at p H 9.7, with increasing CSH amount, the drop amplitudes of both [Cl ~ -] / [OH ~ -] ratio and steel corrosion rate first decrease and XPS results demonstrate that after after CSH treating in p H 12.5 SPS the [Fe ~ (3 +)] / [Fe ~ (2+)] ratio in the film on steel surface is reduced while in p H 9.7 SPS the [Fe ~ (3 +)] / [Fe ~ (2+)] ratio is increased. The different effects of the CSH amount on the two SPSs and the steel corrosion behavior result from the influences of C-S-H on the SPS p H, which is related to the composition of the SPS.
每个班级都有调皮捣蛋的同学,也都有勤奋好学、成绩优异的学生。我的同桌陶艾斯,就是这样一位“完美同学”。他上课从不开小差,课间从不打闹,放学后也从不喝奶茶、吃汉堡。  有一次我们去海边春游,同学们都在沙滩上捡贝壳,不时被冲上沙滩的海浪激起欢乐的尖叫。可是陶艾斯呢,却坐在远远的海堤上,津津有味地读着一本书。  这时,我们班最调皮的牛猛爬上伸入海域的巨大礁石,站在上面一本正经地说:“安静,安静!我想到一
摘要 孤独对于每个人来说都是一件不幸的事,每个人对孤独的感受也是存在差异的,上世纪美国文学作家卡森·麦卡勒斯在其文学作品中充分展现出其面对孤独的感受,给我们描绘出在孤独的世界中人们的内心独白。文章通过剖析麦卡勒斯笔下孤独主题的成因,发现她在作品中利用小镇、故事情节以及主人公的精神层面呈现孤独的同时,也将社会中存在的各种矛盾一一呈现出来,她的作品旨在帮助人们摆脱沉重的孤独意识,在孤独中奋起,勇往直前
中共中央政治局候补委员、书记处书记、国家科技领导小组副组长温家宝最近就我国高科技及其产业发展回答了本刊记者的提问。 问:我国已经提出了“科教兴国”的发展战略,你能