
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gj1019
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上海市市长杨雄在日前举行的第28次上海市市长国际企业家咨询会议上作主题报告时说,“上海正在编制新一轮城市总体规划,提出到2040年成为卓越的全球城市”。本次以“互联网时代的上海可持续发展”为主题的大会上,重提这一目标有其深刻含义。杨雄指出,要实现这一目标必须更加深入、更加广泛地融入互联网、根植互联网、深耕互联网,走出一条依 Shanghai Mayor Yang Xiong said in a keynote speech at the 28th Shanghai Mayor International Entrepreneurs Consultation Conference held recently that “Shanghai is preparing a new round of urban master plan and proposes to be an outstanding global city by 2040.” “. This time with the theme of ”Sustainable Development in Shanghai in the Internet Age" as the theme of the conference, revisiting this goal has its profound implications. Yang Xiong pointed out that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to deepen and integrate more extensively into the Internet, rooted in the Internet, deepen the Internet and go out of line
目的 探讨某院ICU患者感染多重耐药菌(Multidrug-resistant organisms,MDROs)的危险因素,为其预防和控制感染提供科学依据.方法 回顾性分析2015年1月-2018年12月宁波奉化区人