根据区别特征理论,笔者曾将现代维语的区别特征归纳为有阻/无阻、鼻音/口音、唇音/ 舌音、舌尖/舌面、小舌/非小舌、塞/擦、清,浊、前/后、高/低和圆/不圆10对。关于区别特征的原则,学术界通常有二元选择性、系统性、简洁性和实际性4项。就维吾尔语的区别特征是否还应增加负荷原则。区别特征的负荷量既包括对该语音系统中全部音位的覆盖程度,也指对不同性质、不同
According to the distinguishing feature theory, the author summarizes the distinguishing features of modern Uighur language as resistance / unobstructed, nasal / accent, lip / tongue, tongue / tongue, tongue / non tongue, plug / wipe, After high / low and round / not round 10 pairs. With regard to the principle of distinguishing features, academics usually have four items of binary selectivity, systematicness, simplicity and practicality. Whether the distinctive features of Uyghur should also increase the loading principle. The load of distinguishing features includes not only the degree of coverage of all the phonemes in the speech system, but also different types of characters