表现现实生活风情内容的绘画样式是建国以来艺术历程中的一个重要组成部分。当我们重新回眸这一段历史时 ,会看到曾一度被艺术家充满自信和热情讴歌的多彩风情 ,正在时空的星移斗转中悄然隐去。那些唤起过人们理想和生活激情的作品已渐渐变为一种令人感怀的记忆。在五十至六十
The style of painting that expresses the real-life style is an important part of the art history since the founding of the People’s Republic. When we look back on this period of history, we can see that the colorful customs once being full of self-confidence and passionate songs by artists are quietly disappearing in time and space. Works that have aroused the passion and passion of people have gradually become a memorable memory. Between fifty and sixty