The cyclic loading tests on saturated loess were carried out by means of a two - way vibrating triaxial apparatus equipped with bended elements of piezoelectric ceramics. According to the law of dynamic shear modulus development of loess under static consolidation condition, a fitting curve based on Hadinger ’s equation was established. The dynamic shear modulus under cyclic loading is compared with the dynamic shear modulus under static consolidation. According to the development of axial strain, the reason for the difference of dynamic shear modulus under the above two conditions is determined : Sample structural damage, soil particles rearranged, the soil has a high sensitivity. The effect of suspension on vibration during the test was studied and it is considered that this effect can be neglected due to the short pause time. After the vibration is finished, the sample is re-consolidated under the original pressure. The results show that the dynamic shear modulus of the sample increases after the consolidation, and the increase decreases with the increase of the density.