
来源 :江苏交通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:muagie
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射阳县共有通车公路里程1050公里,其中省、县道520公里,乡村道路530公里。全县27个乡镇,除县干道陈李线一级路沿线乡镇外,已有15个乡镇成立了民办公路站,今年10月533个行政村已有95%的村通公路。乡镇民办公路站的成立,使全县乡村公路出现了可喜的局面。一是在建设上,近三年新建公路300多公里,由土路、砂石路到柏油路。二是在管理上,制度健全,措施得力,治路有方,达到路路有人管,条条部畅通。三是在养护上,有效地保证了乡村公路路况的完好。大多乡村道路无坑塘、无露骨、无波浪,公路养护水准不断提高。 Sheyang County has a total mileage of 1050 kilometers of open roads, including 520 kilometers of provincial and county roads and 530 kilometers of country roads. In addition to the townships and towns along the Chenlian Line of a county trunk road, 27 townships and towns across the county have set up private road stations in 15 towns and villages. In October this year, 533 administrative villages already had 95% of village-level roads. The establishment of township civilian road station, so that the county appeared a gratifying rural road. First, in the construction, nearly three years of new roads more than 300 kilometers, from dirt roads, gravel road to asphalt road. Second, in terms of management, the system is sound, the measures are effective, and the government has proper ways of governing the roads. Third, in the conservation, effectively ensure the rural road traffic conditions intact. Most of the country road without pit, no explicit, no waves, highway maintenance standards continue to increase.