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“飞天”是中国佛教艺术中最富韵味的人物装饰形象,称为“香音之神”或“乐神”。他们能奏乐、善飞舞。《洛阳伽蓝记》校释中说:“飞天使乐者,诸天侍从也”。每当佛国进行讲经之时,他们便凌空飞舞,奏乐撒花,奉宝供果。在佛教界庞杂的“组织”系统中,飞天属护法部中的“天龙八部”,排列在第四部,梵名为“乾闼婆”,译作“香音”。在历代的佛教艺术中,飞天往往以壁画、浮雕、石刻的形式出现,他们高居于佛阁的藻井、龛楣,裸露着上半身,下面系着华式长裙,挥舞着长长的飘带,体态婉约,轻盈飘曳,欢快地翩翩飞翔,为佛国天界增添了活泼生动而又瑰丽奇谲的祥瑞吉兆之气。飞天的作用是为佛唱赞歌,其种类繁多,据称有6333种,常见的有伎乐天和供养天。伎乐天是佛门的音乐家和舞蹈家,他们一面飞舞,一面手持各种乐器演奏,乐器的种类有中原的 “Flying” is the most decorative character in Chinese Buddhist art, known as the “God of Fragrances” or “Les Loes.” They can play music and dance well. “Luoyang Ganyan Chronicles” school said: “The angel of music, all the heirs also.” Whenever the Buddhist kingdoms teach them, they fly voluminous, play music and offer gifts for worship. In the complex “organization” system of Buddhism, “Tian Long Ba Bu” in Apatosa Law Department is arranged in the fourth section. Vatican name is “Dalai Lama” and translated as “Xiang Yin.” In ancient Buddhist art, the flying world often appears in the form of murals, reliefs and stone carvings. They are high in the caverns and niches of the Buddhist pavilion, exposing the upper body with Chinese long skirts underneath and waving their long streamers. Graceful, light swaying, flying gracefully, for the Buddha Tianzhu added lively and magnificent auspicious auspicious atmosphere. The role of flying is to sing a hymn to the Buddha, a wide variety of which is said to have 6333 species. Kakumatsu is Buddhists musicians and dancers, who fly while holding various musical instruments, instruments of the Central Plains