金融衍生产品交易业务的法律风险金融衍生产品交易业务的法律风险是指由于衍生产品交易合约被认定无效而无法履行,或者合约订立不当等原因导致的风险。一般而言,衍生产品交易业务存在以下法律风险:交易的合法性和有效性1. 交易主体资格。在进行衍生产品交易时,首要的问题是要确
Legal Risks in the Trading of Financial Derivatives Legal risks in the trading of financial derivatives refer to the risks arising from the inability of the derivatives contracts to be validated as invalid or the contractual improperness. In general, the following legal risks exist in the trading of derivative products: The legitimacy and validity of the transaction 1. Eligibility of the transaction subject. The first and foremost issue when it comes to derivatives trading is to be sure