Patients, male, 62 years old, due to chest tightness, palpitation repeated attacks for 3 to 4 years, increased in six months in 1987 on the 3rd of March admission. Patient 3 years ago because of the above symptoms to the hospital for treatment, to be diagnosed as “coronary heart disease, inferior wall of the old myocardial infarction and ventricular premature beats”, take a slow heartbeat, the experience of poor safety effect after the switch to amiodarone Oral 0.2 ~ 0.4g, 3 times a day after the above symptoms alleviate the use of time lasted more than 3 years. From January 1987 to February, the patient in addition to chest tightness, palpitation increased, there was progressive shortness of breath, and aggravate after activity, and frequent dry cough, and admitted to hospital for treatment. Past physical health, denied a history of tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis, non-smoking alcohol hobby. Physical examination: T37 ℃, P78, R20, BP130 / 70,