国内吸收式冰箱的研制,约始于20余年前,乍起而止,复经十载动乱,直至近几年,再度引人关注,被“吸收式”吸引者颇众。遇阻而止,视易而上者,此伏彼起。至今向本刊询求有关资料而跃跃欲试者,仍常有之。“吸收式”在我国有否前途,其技术经济可行性如何?确属一急待探讨之问题。 82年9月23日~26日于浙江嘉兴召开了吸收式冰箱轻工业部标准审定会,生产、科研和院校代表共25单位30余人到会。这些同志对吸收式冰箱均具有较丰富的理论与实践,极为关心吸收式冰箱的前景。本刊编辑部借此会之机,应各方要求,邀与会代表进行了一次座谈。会上,代表就吸收式冰箱科研和生产中存在诸问题及发展方向交流了看法,并提出一些建议。现简要整理发表如下。
The development of domestic absorption refrigerators began about 20 years ago. It began in turmoil and relapsed after 10 years of turmoil. In recent years, it has once again attracted attention, attracting those who are attracted to “absorption”. Obstructed and stopped, depending on the easy to come, this volt begins. So far, people who eagerly seek information from this publication have often been eager to learn. Whether the “absorption type” has a future in our country and its technical and economic feasibility is indeed an urgent issue to be explored. On September 23 to September 26, 82, a certification meeting for the light industry department of absorption refrigerators was held in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province. A total of 25 units of production, research, and institutions attended the meeting. These comrades have rich theory and practice for absorption refrigerators and are extremely concerned about the prospect of absorption refrigerators. The editorial department of this periodical took this opportunity to invite participants to hold a discussion at the request of the parties. At the meeting, representatives exchanged views on the problems and development directions in the research and production of absorption refrigerators, and made some suggestions. The brief summary is published below.