Many developing countries present a highly urban concentration of cities that is not commensurate with their level of urbanization. From the perspective of overpopulation, congestion and productivity growth, the high cost of urban concentration is very high. A theoretical literature suggests that a high concentration of cities may be the result of the agglomeration forces emanating from restrictive trade policies. Yet another theorical literature suggests that trade liberalization itself will further concentration the city by promoting the development of large urban centers that better link international markets. At present, the empirical evidence for judging this issue is still relatively weak. In the existing literature, trade policy is not measured well (or the trade volume is illogical to measure trade policy). Here, we use the new method of tariff decomposition to test this hypothesis. We also use the performance of cities in both trade liberalization and non-liberalization of trade as control and experimental groups before and after the implementation of trade liberalization. We find that (controlling the largest cities with ports and having easier access to external markets), trade liberalization can reduce urban concentration.