一 推背图与葫芦庙《红楼梦》第五回写贾宝玉梦入太虚幻境,看了薄命司中的十二金钗册子,有正册、副册及又副册.当他看到有一张图,画着一张弓,弓上挂一香橼,也有一首歌词云:“二十年来辨是非,榴花开处照宫闱.三春争及初春景,虎兔相逢大梦归.”这段正文上甲戌本有一眉批云:“世之好事者,争传《推背图》之说.想前人断不肯煽惑愚迷.即有此说,亦非常人供谈之物.此回悉借其法,为儿女子数运之机,无可以供茶酒之物,亦无干涉政事,真梦想奇笔!”脂评作者明确指出曹雪芹在此回利用了《推背图》的形式,有图有诗,形同谶语、预示了十二金钗及几个丫环的各自命运及归宿.他的构思及其手法在小说之中是富有创造性的.
A push back and gourd Temple “Dream of Red Mansions,” the fifth back write Jiabao Yu dream into too fantasy, saw the thin life Secretary in the twelfth Jinchai booklets, there are volumes, vice and vice-book .When he saw a Zhang Tu, painting a bow, hanging a bow on the citron, there is a song of the word cloud: “twenty years to distinguish between right and wrong, garish bloom according to palace 闱. Three spring competition and early spring King, tiger rabbit meet big dream.” This is the first paragraph of the text on Xu Jia Benxiurui cloud: “the world of good things, Zheng Chuan” Push back map. “To predecessors refused to incitement obsessed .Therefore to say, is also very people to talk about .This Recall that by the law, for the children of the number of machines, there is no tea for the sake of anything, no interference in political affairs, really wonders! ”Lipid review of the author explicitly pointed out that Cao Xueqin in this use of the“ push back ” Form, there are pictures of poetry, the same slander, foreshadowed the twelve nobile and several maids fate and destiny .His idea and method in the novel is creative.