1978~1980年,我们通过野外调查与室内观察,对日本龟蜡蚧的天敌昆虫进行了调查,发现其寄生性天敌30多种,捕食性天敌昆虫4种。现将经鉴定的几种主要寄生蜂和瓢虫分列如下。 1.长盾金小蜂一年发生2代,以初孵幼虫在雌蚧腹下越冬。越冬代寄生率一般为10%左右,第一代寄生率可达50%以上。
From 1978 to 1980, we conducted a field survey and indoor observation to investigate natural enemy insects of the japonicus, and found that there were more than 30 kinds of parasitic natural enemies and 4 species of predatory natural enemies. Now identified several major parasitic wasps and ladybirds are listed below. 1. Long Golden Shield bee 2 generations a year to newly hatched larvae in the female Abdomen wintering. Overwintering generation parasitic rate is generally about 10%, the first generation of parasitics up to 50%.