In this paper, pure circular test specimens are used to determine the pure shear damage factor. Is following the literature ~ ([1] ~ [2]) after the research results. The theoretical basis is Nadai formula ~ ([3]). According to this formula, the failure stress τ- = Mu / (πd ~ 3/12) is obtained. This is equivalent to the steel as an ideal elastic-plastic material. When the torque M_T> M_s, the material began to damage. As M_r increases, the elastic nuclei continue to shrink, in the limit case, the stress tends to τ_u. Therefore, it can be assumed that the lesion area damage factor also tends to D_c. The damage factor obtained at D = 1 ~ G / G is the critical value of the pure shear damage factor near the limit of failure. In this paper, A_3 steel and 45 steel are used for experiments, and compared with the literature ~ ([2 ]), We found that the two were almost identical.