近年来,我国电影女演员在选择上颇有竞美之势,从杂志和挂历上都可以看到她们的风姿。这无可非议 。但演员毕竟是以演为业,要以演技的优劣来衡定其价值成就高低。美国影片《紫色》的女主角,其形象绝对谈不上美,却捧走了奥斯卡的桂冠。美的演员,更应在艺术上力臻上乘,使光彩照人,看了《罗马假日》中奥黛丽·赫本的表演,人们很自然地将她(当时二十三岁)与我国的青年女演员相比较.
In recent years, the movie actress in our country has quite a lot of choices in the beauty of the situation, from magazines and calendars can see their grace. This is beyond reproach However, after all, the actor is acting as a career, to determine the merits of acting to determine the level of its value achievement. The American film “Purple” heroine, the image is absolutely not beautiful, but took the Oscars title. The performers of the United States should also exert their utmost in art to make them look good and see the performance of Audrey Hepburn in the Roman Holiday. It is natural for them to associate her (at the age of twenty-three) with our young actress Compare