目的 :研究截瘫患者生活方式、社会支持、生活质量与心身健康之间的关系。方法 :对康复村的患者 (n =31)和市截瘫疗养院的患者 (n =33)进行了唐山大地震心身健康调查问卷、 90项症状自评量表 (SCL -90 )、康奈尔医学指数 (CMI)和社会支持评定量表 (SSRS)的调查和评定。结果 :两组患者在地震中所遭受的躯体损伤和精神创伤的严重程度是相似的 ,康复村患者近 8年时间里生活方式、社会支持、生活质量不同于截瘫疗养患者。目前 ,截瘫病院患者心身健康程度显著低于康复村患者 ,表现在 33例患者中有 6例患PTSD ,另外 ,在SCL -90总分和诸多因子分、CMI总分和诸多因子分均显著高于康复村患者。结论 :本研究结果证实了生活方式、社会支持和生活质量是影响截瘫患者心身健康的重要因素。
Objective: To study the relationship between lifestyle, social support, quality of life and mental and physical health in patients with paraplegia. Methods: The Tangshan earthquake psychological health questionnaire, 90 symptoms self-rating scale (SCL-90), Cornell medicine (n = 31) and rehabilitation of paraplegic nursing home Index (CMI) and Social Support Rating Scale (SSRS) survey and assessment. Results: The severity of physical injury and trauma suffered by the two groups of patients in the earthquake was similar. The lifestyle, social support and quality of life of the rehabilitation village patients were different from those of the paraplegic patients in the past eight years. At present, patients with paraplegia have significantly lower levels of psychosomatic health than those in rehabilitation village, with 6 of 33 patients having PTSD. In addition, SCL-90 total score and many factors, CMI score and many factors were significantly higher In rehabilitation village patients. Conclusion: The results of this study confirm that lifestyle, social support and quality of life are important factors affecting the psychosomatic fitness of paraplegic patients.