微软公司和比尔·盖茨已经成为常常被人嘲弄取笑的对象,比如,宣布盖茨计划收购天主教堂的假新闻稿通过电子邮件传得沸沸扬扬;有一个网站名叫“抵制盖茨到处伸手协会”(Society for Prevention of Gates Getting Everything),简称SPOGGE。一个拿微软开玩笑的网站www.MSLinux.org在Linux技术圈内有口皆碑,它同微软的网页非常相像,而且有链接接到真正的微软网站;有些链接则引导用户进入另一些作弄微软的网站,比如www.segfault.org;“司法部”的链接实际导向微软的竞争对手红帽子公
Microsoft and Bill Gates have been the subject of often ridiculed allegations that fake press releases announcing Gates’s planned acquisition of the Catholic Church have been eloquently uplifted; one site called “Boycott Gates Going Handlers Association” (Society for Prevention of Gates Getting Everything), referred to as SPOGGE. A Microsoft joking Web site, www.MSLinux.org, is well known in the Linux technology community and looks very much like Microsoft’s Web site, with links to real Microsoft Web sites, links to other Microsoft Web sites, such as www.segfault.org; “Justice” link actually leads Microsoft competitor Red Hat Child