薛亚萍女士:您好! 我是一位京剧迷,更是一位“张派”迷,自幼随父母在天津中国大戏院看了很多马连良先生和张君秋先生的合作戏,对于张君秋先生我实在是钦佩和崇拜。像那样的嗓音、韵味再也看不到、听不到了。自张先生离世之后,我深深感到难过,感到中国的京剧界好角儿越来越少,而且后继乏人。后来我注意到和方荣翔合作的您,真是想不到还有这样的好角儿。毫不夸张地说,我认为您是真正的张派弟子,而且又有您自己新的创造,是难得的表演艺术
Ms. Xue Yaping: Hello! I am a Peking opera fan, but also a “Zhangpai” fan, with his parents in Tianjin, China Grand Theater, seen a lot of Mr. Ma Lianliang and Mr. Zhang Junqiu cooperation drama, for Zhang Junqiu I really admire and worship. Like that voice, charm can not see, can not hear. Since the death of Mr. Zhang, I was deeply saddened by the fact that China’s Peking opera circles have seen fewer and fewer good stars and their followers have been lacking. Later I noticed that you and Fang Rongxiang cooperation, I really can not think there is such a good corner. It is no exaggeration to say that I think that you are a real disciple of Zhang and that your own new creation is a rare performance art.