Autonomous orbit determination using epoch-differenced gravity gradients and starlight refraction

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woNO111
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Autonomous orbit determination via integration of epoch-differenced gravity gradients and starlight refraction is proposed in this paper for low-Earth-orbiting satellites operating in GPSdenied environments. Starlight refraction compensates for the significant along-track position error that occurs from only using gravity gradients and benefits from integration in terms of improved accuracy in radial and cross-track position estimates. The between-epoch differencing of gravity gradients is employed to eliminate slowly varying measurement biases and noise near the orbit revolution frequency. The refraction angle measurements are directly used and its Jacobian matrix derived from an implicit observation equation. An information fusion filter based on a sequential extended Kalman filter is developed for the orbit determination. Truth-model simulations are used to test the performance of the algorithm, and the effects of differencing intervals and orbital heights are analyzed. A semi-simulation study using actual gravity gradient data from the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer(GOCE) combined with simulated starlight refraction measurements is further conducted, and a three-dimensional position accuracy of better than 100 m is achieved. Autonomous orbit determination via integration of epoch-differenced gravity gradients and starlight refraction is proposed in this paper for low-Earth-orbiting satellites operating in GPSdenied environments. Starlight refraction compensates for the significant along-track position error that occurs from only using gravity gradients and benefits from integration in terms of improved accuracy in radial and cross-track position estimates. The between-epoch differencing of gravity gradients is employed to eliminate slowly varying measurement biases and noise near the orbit revolution frequency. The refraction angle measurements are directly used and its Jacobian matrix derived from an implicit observation equation. An information fusion filter based on a sequential extended Kalman filter is developed for the orbit determination. Truth-model simulations are used to test the performance of the algorithm, and the effects of differencing intervals and orbital heights are analyzed. A semi-simul ation study using actual gravity gradient data from the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) combined with simulated starlight refraction measurements is further conducted, and a three-dimensional position accuracy of better than 100 m is achieved.
拥有健康的心血管,除了一般的少油、少盐、低热量、多蔬果等原则外,多吃坚果也可以减少心血管疾病发生。  心血管疾病近年来高居全球死因之首,2005年全球便有1750万人因此丧命。由美、英、法三国合作、10个欧洲国家23个医学中心参与完成的一项大型研究,共收集近40万人的资料进行了分析,其结果是坚果吃得越多,患冠状动脉心脏病的几率越小。研究显示,若依摄取量分组,每天吃13克以上坚果的最高组,与每天少于