(一) 我县今年十二万多亩玉米又获得了丰收,平均亩产703斤,较去年平均亩产增36.5%,较早稻平均亩产658斤多收45斤。其中45700多亩杂交种比本地老品种增产40—50%。在玉米收获阶段,我们对基本实现杂交化的合兴,五滧,城北和杂交玉米种植面积比较多的向化、新民、海桥等六个公社,104个生产队703.52亩杂交玉米进行了实地考察,平均亩产853.2斤,较本地品种平均亩产608.5斤增产40.2%。其中“7505”219.6
(I) This county has obtained a bumper harvest of more than 120,000 mu of corn this year, with an average of 703 kg of mu per mu, an increase of 36.5% over the previous year. The average yield of 658 kg per mu was 45 kg more than the previous crop. Among them, 45700 mu of hybrids increase 40-50% more than the local old breeds. In the harvest stage of corn, we conducted 703.52 acres of hybrid corn on six communes, such as Hexing, Wuyi, Chengbei and hybrid maize with relatively large acreage of Xianghe, Xinmin and Sea Bridge, and 104 production teams in Hexing, which basically achieved hybridization Inspection, the average yield 853.2 kg, more than the average yield of 608.5 kg of local varieties 40.2% increase. Among them “7505” 219.6