为研究线路盘式防污型玻璃绝缘子的自然积污规律,在广州地区建立试验点进行了为期2年的自然积污试验。根据上述试验数据,对上下表面等值附盐密度(equivalent salt deposit density,ESDD)和不可溶物密度(non soluble deposit density,NSDD)的季节性、相关性、积污不均匀性和灰盐比4个方面进行了研究,对各个方面的具体特征进行了描述及解释。研究认为,上述4个方面的各种特性主要是降雨对盐密和灰密冲刷效果的差异、降雨对上下表面冲刷效果差异以及上下表面旱季的积污差异等多种因素作用的钴单“,”In order to study the natural contamination depositing law of line disc anti-contamination glass insulator, experiments have been conducted for two years in Guangzhou. This article analyzed the seasonal character, the correlation character, the contamination depositing uneven character and the ratio between soluble deposit density (NSDD) and equivalent salt deposit density (ESDD) based on the experimental data. The information of the four characters was described, and the reason of their performance was explained. Finally, it was found that these characters are mainly caused by the different rain washing effects between upper surface and lower surface, ESDD and NSDD; and the natural contamination depositing situation in dry season.