《德黑兰的屋顶》(Rooftops of Tehran)是伊朗裔美国作家马赫布.萨拉杰的处女作。小说自2009年问世以来,受到广大读者的欢迎和好评,并获得多项殊荣,如“美国书商协会杰出处女作选”、“2009年读书俱乐部25部最受欢迎小说”和“2009年湾区50部著名小说”等。马赫布.萨拉杰出生于伊朗,十九岁时到美国求学,获爱荷华大学电影、播音方向硕士学位和指导设计和技术方向博士学位。萨拉杰走上创作道路有点偶然。他是五十几岁时因为失业才开始写作的。半自传体小说《德黑兰的屋顶》一炮而红。在访谈中,萨拉杰谈到了他
Rooftops of Tehran is the debut work by Iranian-American writer Mahbou-Saraje. Since the advent of the novel in 2009, the novel has been well received and praised by readers and has won many awards, such as “American Booksellers Association Outstanding Virgo Selection”, “2009 Top 25 Most Popular Fiction Books” and “ ”2009 Bay Area 50 famous novel“ and so on. Mahbub. Sarajee was born in Iran, at the age of 19 to the United States to study, received a master’s degree in film, broadcast direction from the University of Iowa and a doctorate in instructional design and technical direction. Sarajee embark on creative path a bit by accident. He started writing in the early forties because he lost his job. Semi-autobiographical novel ”The roof of Tehran" was a hit. Sarajech spoke about him during the interview