The American scholar M. Lippmann distinguished three kinds of classroom situations in “Philosophy in the classroom”: the most unsatisfactory is that students are afraid to speak in front of teachers for fear of losing teachers’ favor and respect. At a slightly better level, students are free to discuss abstract issues, but be careful not to show any even allusive objections to the teacher’s value standards. The best scenario is that students trust teachers very much and dare to criticize their methods or values because they know that teachers will objectively consider their own criticism. The nature of the three classroom situations is based on the degree of freedom of children: In the first scenario, children have no basic freedom of movement; the second scenario is slightly better and children are free to discuss them, but this so-called Free discussion is based on the premise of not violating the teacher’s standard of value. In essence, it is alienated freedom. Only in the third situation can children enjoy true freedom. The discussion on the issue of children’s freedom can not stop at the surface, that is, whether or not children have the freedom to engage in external activities should move forward and deepen the core of the question: Is the child truly free inside? In other words, freedom has different levels. This article tries to discuss “the theory of free hierarchy” and its enlightenment on children’s education by combining some phenomena in current children’s education.