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一、我国古代对玻璃的应用我国的玻璃有着自己的渊源。春秋战国时期,我国的玻璃制品主要是珠、管、壁、剑饰等一些小型的装饰品,它们常常与玉石类器物同时出土。至今还没有发现这一时期玻璃制品应用于建筑的实例。西汉以后,玻璃的应用范围已发展到日用器皿。目前我国最早的玻璃器皿之一是中山王刘胜墓出土的玻璃耳杯,是铅、钡玻璃制成,制作工艺之精足以与当时世界上最先进的玻璃制品媲美。至于玻璃在建筑上的使用,是从平板玻璃的出现开始的,而平板玻璃的大规模生产又是同近代工业相联系的。我国古玻璃在建筑上的使用尚属少见。二、我国古代玻璃在建筑上的应用早在春秋战国时期,我国劳动人民生产的玻璃壁(其中许多含有很高的铅、钡成份)就是采用压铸工艺生产 First, China’s ancient application of glass China’s glass has its own origins. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, China’s glass products were mainly small ornaments such as beads, pipes, walls, and sword ornaments, which were often excavated at the same time as jade artifacts. To date, no examples have been found of glass products used in construction during this period. After the Western Han Dynasty, the scope of application of glass has been developed into daily utensils. At present, one of the earliest glassware in China is the glass ear cup unearthed from the Tomb of King Liu of Zhongshan. It is made of lead and bismuth glass. The craftsmanship of the glass earcup is comparable to the most advanced glass products in the world at that time. As for the use of glass in architecture, it begins with the appearance of flat glass, and the large-scale production of flat glass is associated with modern industry. The use of ancient glass in China is still rare. II. Application of Ancient Chinese Glass in Architecture As early as in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, the glass walls produced by the working people in China (many of which contain high levels of lead and barium) were produced using a die casting process.