辽源发电厂是一个始建于1921年的中温中压式电厂,在70多年的发展岁月中,饱经苍桑,历尽曲折。解放前,辽源发电厂(原西安电气股份有限公司,“九一八”事变后,被日本占领又改为西安发电所),一直未能为人民发挥效益,受尽了官僚资本和日本侵略者的盘剥和压榨。 1949年,千疮百孔的辽源发电厂回到了党和人民的怀抱,翻身解放了的辽源发电厂职工,以极大的工作热情投入设备维修和改造。经过了3年国民经济恢复时期的发展,装机容量达到54000kW,成为东北电力工业主力电厂之一,为
The Liaoyuan Power Plant is a medium- and medium-voltage power plant built in 1921. In the 70-odd years of development, it has experienced the vicissitudes of life. Before the liberation, Liaoyuan Power Plant (formerly known as Xi’an Electric Co., Ltd., which was occupied by Japan after the “September 18th Incident,” and changed to Xi’an Power Plant), has not been able to provide benefits for the people and has suffered bureaucratic capital and Japanese invaders. Exploitation and squeezing. In 1949, the untasted Liaoyuan Power Plant returned to the embrace of the Party and the people and turned over to the liberated workers of the Liaoyuan Power Plant. With great enthusiasm for work, they invested in equipment maintenance and reconstruction. After three years of economic recovery, the installed capacity reached 54,000 kW, becoming one of the main power plants in the northeast power industry.