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  它们也许很迷人——甚至很可爱——但有些动物似乎天生就与我们人类“有仇”,无论它们自己是否意识到这一点。在它们踏入人类领地时,麻烦接踵而来,所到之处往往一片狼藉。究竟是哪些动物给我们带来如此厉害而又让人头痛的“Trick or Treat”呢?
  Elephant Seal 海象
  They say love is blind, and perhaps no animal is “blinder” than the male elephant seal. Maybe it’s the poor eyesight inherent[天生的] in the species[物种], or perhaps it’s simply impossible
  to see past that big inflatable[膨胀的] balloon of flesh at the end of its nose. Whatever the
  reason, male elephant seals seem to be none too discerning[有辨识能力的] about who they mate with. Take Humphrey, for example, an elephant seal famous for courting[求爱] domestic[家养的]
  livestock[家畜] in New Zealand. The objects of his affection[爱情] remain confused to this day about this strange and smelly suitor[求婚者] from the sea.
  Kea 啄羊鹦鹉
  In the high slopes[斜坡] of New
  Zealand, a battle is waging[进行] between ski-loving vacationers and the world’s only mountain parrot – the kea. The kea has several weapons of war at its
  disposal[由其支配]. One such weapon is the ice found on ski lodge[小屋,旅馆] rooftops,
  which keas break apart and fling[投,掷]
  at their human “enemies” down below. They also use their can-opener[开罐器] beaks[喙] to destroy rental[租用的] cars.
  Grizzly Bear 灰熊
  It’s the largest land carnivore[食肉动物] on earth (along with the polar bear), and has certainly dealt with its share of trouble from humans. In
  order to bulk up[增加体重] for winter hibernation[冬眠],
  an adult male grizzly needs to eat up to 20,000
  calories of food a day. In national parks like
  Yosemite注1, some grizzlies find it easier
  to bum[乞讨] food from tourists rather than go through all the hassle[麻烦] of chasing it down. Grizzlies have been known to break into roughly 1,000 cars in a single year. That’s a lot of picnic baskets!
  Red Colobus Monkey
  This primate[灵长类动物] has a very
  unusual diet: toxic[有毒的] leaves. Yes, the red colobus monkey literally[真正,完全] eats poison. For most animals, the leaves would be nauseating[恶心的] or even fatal, but for red colobus monkeys there’s nothing more nutritious[有营养的] or tasty. Although toxic leaves are a staple[主食] of their diet, red colobus monkeys frequently seek out other food sources to neutralize[使中和] that “queasy[感到反胃的]” feeling in their stomachs. Charcoal[木炭] is one of their favorite treats. This black, bitter, burnt material goes a long way toward[对……大有用处] satisfying the inner cravings of the red colobus monkey.
  Asian Elephant 亚洲象
  It must be hard NOT to cause trouble when you’re the biggest land animal in the world, and that goes double when your natural habitat[生活环境] has been wrestled away by people. In Sri Lanka, farmland has largely replaced the Asian elephant’s natural habitat: the forest. Because these creatures must consume[吃完,耗费掉] 400 pounds of food per day, they often come in conflict with humans and their settlements. In their never-ending quest for food, Asian elephants often knock down walls and destroy human settlements to get at the edible[可食用的]
  tidbits[一点美味食品] inside.
  Dog 狗
  They may be domesticated[驯养],
  but that doesn’t mean dogs can’t be troublemakers. They can end up in all kinds of trouble, ranging from peeing[撒尿] on the carpet to severely[激烈地] biting complete strangers. They also excel at[擅长于] tearing
  up your favorite pieces of furniture,
  barking incessantly when you’re not
  home, etc. Curiously, the more trouble
  they cause, the more we seem to love them.
  Termite 白蚁
  The small creature of termite is a big troublemaker. Its greedy appetite[胃口] for wood causes over $2.5 billion in property damages every year. That’s more than floods, fires and earthquakes! A single colony can chew through 150 feet of wooden boards in a single year. With one out of every 30 homes in America infested[大批滋生] with termites, there’s a chance these tiny trouble-
  makers are in your walls right now!
  Beaver 海狸
  The beaver is one of the biggest troublemakers in the animal kingdom. The beaver causes roughly $100 million in property[财产] damages every year. A beaver dam can reroute[给……重定路线] the flow of a river, thereby flooding farmland, destroying crops and drowning buildings. And the path of destruction doesn’t end there: a beaver couple will cut down about 400 trees to construct their dam, even if those trees happen to be the world-famous cherry trees in Washington, D.C. 注2, which were almost destroyed by a pair of beavers one year.
  注2:许多美国人及观光客会选在春天来临时造访华盛顿特区,以观赏在潮汐湖(Tidal Basin)及杰斐逊纪念堂(Jefferson Memorial)周围开满粉红色及白色花朵的樱花树。这些樱花树是东京人民于1912年送给美国的礼物。每年春天举办的(美国)国家樱花节(National Cherry Blossom Festival)是一个长达两星期的庆祝活动,来自世界各地的数万名游客会涌入华盛顿特区,欣赏这些美丽的花朵。
I don’t wanna waste my time again  By getting wasted with so-called friends  ’Cause they don’t know me  But they pretend to be  Part of my social scenery  And hey, maybe I’m a critic, a cynic[愤世嫉俗者]  
你知道吗?“Frisbee”这个词由“Frisbie”演变而来,原本是一家馅饼生产公司的名字。也许当年想到用锡盘装馅饼的人也没料到这个设计会衍生出一项广受欢迎的运动……    The Frisbee that many people know today was not   exactly the same Frisbee that was thrown and played years ago.
You remember them. People like Julia Roberts, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Nicolas Cage – putting their faces on the movie posters would sell tickets.   No more. Once the safeguard of Hollywood’s most pr
Every morning I excitedly get out of bed. Just a few minutes of goals and visions for the day 1)swirl in my head. No 2)lingering for me, no alarm, no wishful notes, too. Just me in my night gown with
While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other people talk about – the kind that 1)sneaks up on you unexpectedly
除了煮方便面,现在城市里的年轻人会做饭的估计没几个。但苏格兰小伙子  弗雷泽·多尔蒂显然与一般年轻人不同。14岁那年,祖母教会他做果酱,一个果酱  王国随之诞生。  一开始,弗雷泽只是把果酱卖给邻居和附近的农场。经过不断的研究,他发展出一套制作纯天然果酱的方法。弗雷泽随后着手打造自己的品牌,不断完善果酱配方,终于成功让其果酱在英国大型超市上架,成为年轻的企业家。他现在的目标是拓展海外市场,让更多人
Please tell me one more time  That I’m not dreaming  I’ll paint clouds with sunshine  Oh that’s my feeling  Could it be forever  It’s a night I will remember  Together we’re stronger than alone    Bab
Raindrops are falling on my head  And just like the guy who’s feet are too big for his bed  Nothing seems to fit  Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling    So I just did me some tal
《别让我走》讲述了三个在寄宿学校一起长大的伙伴过着与世隔绝的生活。直到有一天,他们发现自己原来是克隆人,而存在的唯一目的就是为别人提供移植器官。听起来是否似曾相识?没错,这剧情跟2005年的《逃出克隆岛》(The Island)如出一辙,所以很多人把它称为后者的文艺版。从预告片可以看出,这部改编自石黑一雄  同名小说的电影绝对不是卖弄特技的科幻片,而是一部刻画人性的细腻之作。本片清一色的英国演员阵
Cast  Blake Lively...Serena van der Woodsen  Leighton Meester...Blair Waldorf  Penn Badgley...Dan Humphrey  Chace Crawford...Nate Archibald  Taylor Momsen...Jenny Humphrey  Ed Westwick...Chuck Bass  K