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我国农作物病虫害有100多种,其中重大的有20多种,几乎所有的病虫害都和气象灾害相伴生。随着全球气候变暖,从20世纪70年代初期开始到80代,农业病虫害有了显著变化,每年因此粮食损失占总产量的10%~15%。从林业看,目前造成危害的292种病虫害中,传入的有32种。这是因为病虫害定植条件得到改善,越来越多的病虫害发育期缩短,繁殖量增加,留下了病虫害大面积暴发的隐患…… There are over 100 species of pests and diseases in our country, of which over 20 are major ones. Almost all pests and diseases are associated with meteorological disasters. With global warming, from the early 1970s until the 80s, there have been significant changes in agricultural pests and diseases, resulting in 10% to 15% of the total grain loss each year. In forestry, of the 292 pests and diseases presently infested, 32 are introduced. This is because pest planting conditions have been improved, and more and more pests and diseases have shortened development period and increased reproduction, leaving a hidden danger of large-scale outbreaks of pests and diseases ...