1993年夏,以创作和演出了著名现代豫剧《朝阳沟》而闻名的河南省豫剧三团,悄悄把《金瓶梅》搬上了河南戏剧舞台……印刷精美的节目单上有“致观众”的话;“三个女子,一部奇书;四百年来毁誉参半,弦歌声里一窥真容!红尘滚滚,莫道一个“淫”字了得;悲欢歌哭,实是明末风俗画图。“色”字左右看,看出美丑百态;“欲”字试解索,解出妻妾苦情。何必包罗万象,但愿一斑见豹。不求同声赞美,恭听议论纷纷…… 一时间,河南戏剧界果然议论纷纷。赞扬者有之;反对者有之;不作任何表态者的人,也有。
In the summer of 1993, three groups of Henan Opera, famous for creating and performing the famous modern opera “Chaoyang ditch”, quietly put “Jin Ping Mei” onto the stage of Henan drama... On the beautifully printed program, “To the audience” ; “Three women, a wonderful book; four hundred years of mixed reputation, a glimpse of the real voice in the string of songs! Red rolling, mo a” prostitution “words; sad cry, it is the end of the Ming genre paintings. Looked at the ”color“ around the word, see the beauty of the ugly state; ”want" to try to find the word, solve the concubine bitter love. Why the all-encompassing, I hope see the leopard. , Henan drama really talked about. Praise those who have; opponents who do not make any statement of those who have.