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二次函数y=ax2+bx+c(a≠0)是重要的初等函数之一,是初中、高中数学重要衔接点。二次函数的内容,在中考中,主要以三种形式出现:一是从解析式出发,可以进行纯粹的代数推理,主要是考察学生的代数推理、论证能力的基本素养;二是从图像特征出发,考察学生数、形结合的意识;三是从实际问题情景中抽象出数学模型,重视数学问题解决,主要考察学生学数学、用数学的意识与能力,本文通过中考题,举 The quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + c (a ≠ 0) is one of the important elementary functions, which is the important convergence point of mathematics in junior middle school and high school. The content of the quadratic function, in the senior high school entrance examination, mainly in three forms: First, starting from the analytical formula, you can perform pure algebraic reasoning, mainly to examine students’ algebraic reasoning, demonstrating the ability of the basic literacy; Second, from the image features Starting with the number of students to explore the combination of shape awareness; Third, abstract the mathematical model from the actual problem scenarios, attention to solve mathematical problems, the main study students learn math, with the awareness and ability of mathematics,
说起书法,我便情不自禁地想起徐小罗和刘书明两位语文老师。正是受这两位老师的影响,我才与书法结下不解之緣。  上小学时,因一次作业写得马虎,语文老师徐小罗见后,一气之下,把我的作业本给撕了。我当时痛哭一场,事后徐老师把我批评一通, 然后给了我六本练习本,并且教导我做作业要认真,一定要把字写好。后来,每当我取得进步,徐老师都及时给予表扬,这奠定了我写好字最初的信心,之后我的字越寫越好。  初中第一次语