It is generally believed that the equilibrium range of wind wave spectrum is in the form of the-4 rather than-5 power law.However,in the widely applied P-M spectrum the equilibrium range is given in the form of-5 power law.In the present paper,a spectrum for full development of wind waves is proposed using the form of the Neumann spectrum,but adopting the-4 power law for the equilibrium range.The proposed spectrum has been verified with NDBC buoy data and could be a substitute for the P-M spectrum.
It is generally believed that the equilibrium range of wind wave spectrum is in the form of the-4 rather than-5 power law. However, in the widely applied PM spectrum the equilibrium range is given in the form of-5 power law. the present paper, a spectrum for full development of wind waves is proposed using the form of the Neumann spectrum, but adopting the-4 power law for the equilibrium range. The proposed spectrum has been verified with NDBC buoy data and could be a substitute for the PM spectrum.