天涯虚拟网站“闲闲书话”中有一个帖子: 吴香舟年届不惑,登徒好色,是个十足的花花公子。他到南方的大城市办画展、传闻卖了12万,而吃喝嫖赌花去13万;他常与九个婆娘厮混,甚至一年结婚三次。据说他与某市市长的小女人关系融洽,为此他拥有了一幢法国式的小别墅……诸如此类的桃色事件层出不穷,罄竹难书。不过说实话,他的画实在不错,在江浙沪同龄人中,他的传统功夫当属上乘,是十足的吴门派风格,我们苏州还找不出第二个。可惜他沉迷酒色,出入酒肉地狱,再这样下去,非但笔墨全抛,恐怕身上迟早要生疮出虫了。
End of the World virtual site “Leisure Book,” there is a post: Wu Xiangzhou annual confusion, ascendant lust, is a full playboy. He went to the big cities in the South to hold an exhibition, selling 120,000 rumors, and eating and drinking flowers to 130,000; he often mixed with nine gossip, or even married three times a year. He is said to have a good relationship with the mayor of a city, and he owns a French-style cottage for this purpose. Peach-colored events such as this one after another are endless and drained. But to be honest, his paintings are really good. Among his peers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, his traditional kung fu is an excellent one and is full of Wu-style. We can not find a second one in Suzhou. Unfortunately, he obsessed with wine, wine out of hell, go on like this, not only the full throwing of ink, I am afraid sooner or later who will be sore.