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2013年瓜州县老金厂金矿利用物探综合方法对矿区进行了勘查,开展了1∶2000激电、高精度磁测、放射性能谱测量等工作,对矿区断裂进行了推测,预测了找矿有利地段,并布置钻探工程,找到了新矿体,特别是在该矿区上试用γ能谱测量,结果表明在矿体上,K,U含量高,Th含量一般,并有明显异常反应,通过比值分析和异常深部验证,取得了找矿效果,在金矿勘查上应用物探新方法做了有益尝试。 In 2013, the Laojinchang Gold Mine of Guazhou County exploited the geophysical comprehensive method to carry out prospecting on the mining area, carried out the work of 1: 2000 high-precision magnetic survey and radioactive spectrum measurement, and carried out the speculation on the fault in the mining area. The favorable ore sections of the mine and the arrangement of the drilling project have found new ore bodies. Especially in the mining area, the γ energy spectrum measurement has been tried. The results show that the K and U contents are high and the contents of Th are normal and obviously abnormal. Through the ratio analysis and abnormal deep verification, the ore prospecting effect has been achieved and a useful attempt has been made to apply the geophysical prospecting method to gold exploration.
一项面向5000余人的网上调查显示,近六成职场人患上这一“工作综合征”。  很多上班族有过这样的经历:休完长假后,很不适应重新投入工作,这种“假期综合征”让人头疼;不过刚刚开始的黄金周假期,一些人却添了新毛病:休息起来不踏实,老惦记工作上的事儿——这种被专家称为“工作综合征”的现象搅扰上班族的假期。现象——    放假睡不好起早查短信    连续两天,在海淀某中学当班主任的张女士都特意关掉手机,打