在山西繁峙县金矿爆炸事故采访活动中,新华社国内部记者刘诗平以对党对人民高度负责的精神,恪守新闻工作者的职业道德,困难面前不低头,恐吓面前不退缩,利诱面前不动心,及时、客观地采写了大量内部报道和公开稿件,为揭开矿难黑幕作出了积极贡献,忠实履行了一个“新华社记者”的职责。与此同时,新华社山西分社宝红、安小虎等4人,却严重违反新闻职业道德,收受地方不法官员钱物,给党的新闻事业和新华社的声誉造成了巨大负面影响。 同样是新华社记者,却出现了正反两方面的典型。这一事件警示我们:在利益主体多元化的今天,新闻工作者时刻都在面对着各种诱惑,我们的队伍建设、作风建设还面临着艰巨的任务。遵纪守法教育和职业道德教育必须常抓不懈,不可有丝毫放松。这里刊发的就是刘诗平同志的采访札记。
In an interview about the gold mine explosion in Fanshi County, Shanxi Province, Liu Shiping, an internal journalist of Xinhua News Agency, abides by the spirit of being highly responsible to the party and the people and abides by the professional ethics of journalists. No difficulties are faced in front of the difficulties. Tempted, timely and objectively collected a large amount of internal reports and public manuscripts, made a positive contribution to the opening of the mining disaster, and faithfully fulfilled its duties as a reporter for Xinhua News Agency. At the same time, four people, including Xinhua News Agency Shanxi Branch of Baohong and An Tiger, have violated the professional ethics of journalism and received money from unscrupulous local officials, causing a tremendous negative impact on the party’s journalism and Xinhua News Agency’s reputation. Xinhua News Agency is also the same reporter, but there have been two typical positive and negative. This event has warned us that journalists are facing all kinds of temptations all the time when the interests of the various stakeholders are diversified. Our team building and style building still face a daunting task. Compliance education and professional ethics education must always persevere, must not be the slightest relaxation. What is published here is Comrade Liu Shibing’s interview notes.