Our factory originally used the method of general steam curing to produce fly ash silicate blocks. Since it was produced in October 1963 using the method of pressureless pure saturated steam curing, the product has high strength, short curing time, and steam consumption. Low, good results. Compared with ordinary steam curing equipment, the pressureless pure steam curing system also includes an upper air supply pipe (see FIG. 1) in addition to the lower air supply pipe, and a condensing device with a direct acting regulator. The φ108 exhaust pipe with water seal valve is open to the atmosphere. The lower air supply pipe is used exclusively for heating in the pool. When the temperature rises above 90°C, the lower air supply pipe is closed and the upper air supply pipe is opened. With the gradual increase in the amount of gas supply in the conservation pool, the upper part of the pool is getting more and more pure steam, so that the steam inside the pool