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以北京市紫竹院路为例,对比紫竹院路潮汐车道实施前后的交通调查数据,论证了紫竹院路设置潮汐车道的必要性和可行性,从交通流量、交通出行效率和设施利用率三个方面分析潮汐车道的实施效果,以及其对周边路网流量分布情况的影响。研究结果表明,潮汐车道开通后,紫竹院路进城、出城方向的高峰小时交通量显著增加,行程车速大幅提高,单车道利用率随着断面交通流量增加趋向均衡,路段交通出行环境改善;紫竹院路周边主要平行道路的高峰小时流量基本保持不变,潮汐车道可能会引起更远范围路网交通流量的重新分布,以达到新的交通平衡状态。 Taking Zizhuyuan Road in Beijing as an example, the author compares the traffic survey data before and after the implementation of the tidal lane of Zizhuyuan Road, and proves the necessity and feasibility of setting up tidal lanes in Zizhuyuan Road. From traffic flow, traffic travel efficiency and facility utilization rate Analyze the implementation effect of tidal lanes and their impact on the distribution of traffic in the surrounding road network. The results show that after the opening of tidal lanes, the traffic volume of Zizhuyuan Road into and out of the city increases significantly during peak hour and the journey speed increases greatly. Utilization rate of single lane tends to balance with the increase of cross-section traffic flow, and traffic environment of road section improves. Peak hourly traffic on the main parallel roads around the courtyard roads remains basically unchanged, and the tidal lanes may cause redistribution of the traffic flow on the further road networks to reach the new traffic balance.
难道地球上沒土吗?人类为什么要来月球挖土?这里的土有什么特别吗?rn对于地球 的人类来说,月壤极其珍贵.rn人类已经采回过多少月球样品?rn到目前为止,成功从月球带回样品的国