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南线自卫反击作战结束的时候,广州军区司令员许世友受命调任军委常委。但他以身体不好为由,向中央提出不再工作,也不进北京;又因不适应广州的潮湿气候,他要求回南京休息养病。中央批复同意。许世友晚年给人的一个深刻印象是:说下就下,对已往的权位毫不藕断丝连。用他自 When the South Line self-defense counterattack ended, the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, Xu Shiyou, was transferred to the Standing Committee of the Central Military Commission. However, on the ground of poor health, he proposed to the Central Government that he no longer work or go to Beijing. Instead of going to Guangzhou’s humid climate, he demanded that Nanjing should rest and recuperate. The central government approved. Xu Shiyou a profound impression in his later years is that: under the next, the previous power without any decoupling. Use him since
[摘 要]粤剧是岭南艺术瑰宝,应采取多种措施加以保护和传承。从娃娃抓起是传承粤剧艺术的有效举措,要根据学生特点因材施教。笔者以亲身实践对粤剧进小学校园的具体实施作了有益探索。  [关键词]必要性;可行性;因材施教  粤剧与广东音乐、岭南画派被誉为岭南三大艺术瑰宝。2006年粤剧被国务院列入中国第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录;2009年10月,粤剧正式被联合国教科文组织列入第四批人类非物质文化遗产代