我厂生产的ZL50C装载机耳座总成是一个不对称焊接构件,如图1所示。 该构件焊后因受单向焊接应力的作用,变形非常严重,最大变形量的平面度偏差在10 mm以上,大大超过允许误差范围。对焊后变形的矫正难度很大,既费工又费时,极大地影响了生产进度。故急需找到减小?
ZL50C loader lobe assembly I produced is an asymmetric welding components, as shown in Figure 1. Due to the one-way welding stress, the deformation of the component is very serious. The deviation of the flatness of the maximum deformation is more than 10 mm, which greatly exceeds the allowable error range. It is very difficult to correct the deformation after welding, which takes a lot of labor and time, greatly affecting the production progress. Urgent need to find reduced?