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9月21日,湖南省农科院杂交中心分子育种试验大楼学术报告厅。袁隆平答完记者问后,就去洗手间。他刚到门口,立即返回。袁院士对着记者们耸耸肩,做了一个幽默的怪动作:“哦,这一层是女厕所。”说完,就噔噔地跑到了3楼,像个年轻人。生活朴实,思维敏捷的袁院士,走路生风,谈笑幽默,? September 21, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences hybrid breeding center molecular breeding Hall Academic Report Hall. Yuan Longping answered the reporter asked, went to the bathroom. He arrived at the door and returned immediately. Academician Yuan shrugged to the reporters and made a funny humorous motion: “Oh, this is the ladies’ room.” After that, she went all out to the third floor like a young man. Life is simple, quick thinking Yuan Academician, walking style, laughter,?
夏东海成为千千万万孩子梦寐以求的偶像父亲是意料之中的事,而出乎意料的是,高亚麟迄今尚未结婚,更没有做父亲的经验。 Xia Donghai has become the dream idol of millions
2007年以来,我们应用以尺动脉腕上皮支下行支为蒂的游离皮瓣修复手指创面10例,皮瓣全部成活,获得了满意的效果.  1 资料与方法  1.1 一般资料  本组10例,男8例,女2例;年龄20~44岁,平均31岁.受伤原因:电锯伤2例,绞轧伤2例,碾压伤2例,冲压伤3例,热压伤1例.受伤部位:指腹软组织缺损2例,指背缺损3例,指掌侧缺损2例,指侧方缺损3例.急诊手术8例,择期手术2例.皮瓣切取面积为