读闻一多篆刻和书法作品,不仅是美的欣赏,也令人从中感受到人格的力量。 从闻一多致饶孟侃信可知,他以极大的兴趣从事篆刻创作是在1927年前后。大约求他治印的不少,所以信中说“近来摹印稍有进步,应酬也渐渐麻烦起来了”,收入《闻一多印选》中的“壮不如人”、“桐斋”、“浭阳布衣”、“思彪之印”、“林颂斋印”、“虞风冈印”等都是他早期的作品,刻得已很好,他自己对几方白文印感到特别满意。
Read more than one more carving and calligraphy works, not only the United States to appreciate, but also make people feel the power of personality. From Wen Yiduo to Rao Meng Kan letter we can see that he engaged in seal cutting with great interest around 1927. He asked him to deal with a lot of India, so the letter said, “Recently some progress has been made in India, and entertainment has become increasingly troublesome.” In the “Wen Yiduo printed selection,” “Zhuangzhongruren”, “Tongzhai” and “ Suiyang commoner ”,“ Si Biao of India ”,“ Lam Chung vegetarian ”,“ Yu Fenggang India ”are all his early works, engraved well, he was particularly satisfied with the White Wenyao several parties.