美国石油工程师学会于1983年11月15日到18日在旧金山举行第七届油藏模拟专题讨论会。油藏数值模拟是电子计算机问世以后从五十年代末期开始引入油田开发领域的。它以常规方法所不可比拟的强大效能开辟了油藏工程的一个新时代。廿年来,随着电子计算机以及计算方法的迅速发展,油藏数值模拟的应用规模和技术日新月异。SPE 于1976年举行了第一届油藏模拟专题讨论会,总结和交流当时达到的成就。以后每隔一年或二年举行一次。SPE 代表
The American Society of Petroleum Engineers held its seventh reservoir simulation symposium in San Francisco from November 15 to November 18, 1983. Reservoir numerical simulation is the introduction of electronic computers into the field of oilfield development since the late 1950s. It opens up a new era of reservoir engineering with the powerful efficiency unparalleled by conventional methods. Over the past 20 years, with the rapid development of electronic computers and computational methods, the application scale and technology of numerical simulation of reservoirs have been rapidly changing. The SPE held the first reservoir simulation symposium in 1976 to summarize and exchange what was achieved at the time. After every one or two years later. SPE representative